SeeEmWhyKがデザイン! 第37代泡盛女王オリジナル泡盛販売♪ Gen 37th Queen of Awamori x See Em Why K design bottles on sale!

See Em Why Kがデザインを手がけた、
See Em Why K has crafted the original awamori bottles for the 37th generation of Awamori Queens – three beautiful designs are now complete and available! 🍶✨
Please see more on the special page
~En Collection
Produced by Awamori Queen 37th~
Capturing the flavors and sounds of Okinawa through Awamori, connected by EN (or "縁" generally refers to a connection, bond, or relationship between people. It can encompass the idea of fate, destiny, or a meaningful encounter that brings individuals together.)
These bottles, bestowed by queens, embody the essence of giving. A gift meant to be shared with loved ones, crafted from heartfelt sentiments.
Each bottle tells a tale of the three queens - "EN" - representing Journey, Connection, and Banquet. Available for purchase, these bottles bear the individual letters of the queens' names and offer an immersive AR experience resonating with the sounds of the Sanshin, reflecting the essence of Okinawa.
第37代 泡盛の女王
前泊 選香(まえどまり えりか)
比嘉 柚稀(ひが ゆずき)
稲福 美咲(いなふく みさき)
The 37th generation Awamori Queens:
Maedomari Erika
Higa Yuzuki
Inafuku Misaki
2024.2.14〜 バレンタインデー
16:00〜18:00 See Em Why K店舗にて、試飲&販売会行います。
Sales start from 2024.2.14 - Valentine's Day
16:00 - 18:00 at the See Em Why K store, a tasting and sales event will be held.
All three queens will be present on the day, so let's engage in lively Awamori discussions! These are the specially crafted original bottles by the 37th generation Awamori Queens, infused with heartfelt sentiments. Perfect for your special occasions or as a gift for your loved ones. Be sure to get yours! ♪
Package design: Mieko Matsumaru (Murao)
AR Integration: Gen Kawaneiwa
Music: Yuzuki Higa
Recording: SRCFLP
Awamori maker: 咲元酒造/Sakimoto Shuzo